Animal licensing

Selling animals as pets

You need a licence to sell pet animals. This includes all commercial selling of pet animals, including pet shops and businesses selling animals over the internet.

A licence is required for any premises where animals are sold, including a private home.

Apply for a licence

The form below can be used to apply for different types of animal welfare licences and registration.

To apply for a licence to sell pet animals, you must complete sections 1, 2 and 7.

The completed form and relevant documents can be emailed to us at the address below.


For details of current fees, go to our animal licensing fees page.

Licence conditions

For government guidance on applying and the conditions you'll need to meet, go to GOV.UK: Selling animals as pets licence.

To read the government's guidance for licensing authorities, go to GOV.UK: Animal activities licensing – statutory guidance for local authorities.

Check a licence

You can check online whether a pet shop is licensed in Thurrock.

Search licensing records

Making a complaint

Contact us if you have reason to complain about a pet shop that we license. You should tell us:

  • your name and phone number
  • details of the premises you wish to complain about
  • details of your complaint or problem

All complaints are dealt with in the strictest confidence. Your details will not be released but are needed so we can contact you for further information.

Licensing team
Thurrock Council, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, RM17 6SL.
