Club premises licence


A club premises certificate authorises the supply of alcohol and regulated entertainment for 'qualifying' clubs.

Qualifying clubs

To be a qualifying club:

  • a person may not be given membership – or be a candidate for any membership privileges – without an interval of at least 2 days from their membership application or nomination and their membership being granted
  • club rules must state that those becoming members without nomination or application cannot have membership privileges for at least 2 days between them becoming members and being admitted to the club
  • the club must be established and conducted in good faith
  • the club must have at least 25 members
  • alcohol may only supplied to members on the premises on behalf of, or by, the club

Clubs that are run commercially by individuals, partnerships or businesses for profit – known as 'proprietary' clubs – are not qualifying clubs. Proprietary clubs must have a premises licence.

Club premises certificates

A club premises certificate is a permanent licence, granted for a specific location, that authorises the holder to carry on a combination of the following licensable activities for club members and guests:

  • the sale or supply of alcohol to club members and guests
  • the provision of regulated entertainment – including plays, films, indoor sports, music and dancing
  • the provision of entertainment facilities
  • the sale of late night refreshment – hot food or drink supplied between 11pm and 5am

You can use online forms to:

You must advertise new applications or changes to an existing licence.

Licensing policy

Our statement of licensing policy sets out how we set out to apply the 4 licensing objectives when making decisions on applications made under the Licencing Act 2003:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • the prevention of public nuisance
  • the protection of children from harm