Freedom of information response
Children and care leavers
I would like to know information pertaining to the number of children and care leavers under your care who are not British Citizens as of 15/08/2023. The information requested is:
- total number of children who are not British Citizens; of these:
- the number of children with criminal convictions
- the number of children known to be the victim of criminal exploitation
- the total number of care leavers who are not British Citizens; of these:
- the number of care leavers with criminal convictions
- the number of care leavers known to be the victim of criminal exploitation
In issuing our response the council have applied S12 of the Freedom of Information Act.
This means that the council does not have to comply with your request if the cost of doing so exceeds the ‘appropriate limit’, which for local authorities is 18 hours. This applies to the time taken spent locating and collating the requested information.
This information is not reportable from our system, in order to ascertain this information we would have to manually search each record.
We estimate that this would take approximately 10 minutes per case x 164 cases = 1640 minutes/27hours. Therefore, it is over the 18 hours threshold.