Freedom of information response


Publication date: 
Wednesday 1 November 2023

1.    Please confirm if the Local Authority includes any Local Authority Trading Companies (LATC’s)
2.    If yes, then:
a.    Please confirm the LATC name and company details for each and every LATC
b.    Please confirm the supplier payment performance for each LATC:
i.    % (volume) of invoices paid within 30 days
ii.    % (volume) of invoices paid later than agreed terms


1. Please confirm if the Local Authority includes any Local Authority Trading Companies (LATC’s)

We have two companies – TRL and TRHL – Thurrock Regeneration Ltd and Thurrock Regeneration Homes Limited.

2. If yes, then:

a. Please confirm the LATC name and company details for each and every LATC

Thurrock Regeneration Ltd

Civic Offices

New Road

Grays, RM17 6SL

Thurrock Regeneration Homes Ltd

Address as above

b. Please confirm the supplier payment performance for each LATC:

i. % (volume) of invoices paid within 30 days

For 2022/23

Thurrock Regeneration Ltd – 100%

Thurrock Regeneration Homes Ltd – 100%

ii. % (volume) of invoices paid later than agreed terms

For 2022/23

Thurrock Regeneration Ltd – 0%

Thurrock Regeneration Homes Ltd – 0%

Request reference:
FOI 13113