Freedom of information response

No Recourse to Public Funds (“NRPF”)

Publication date: 
Wednesday 3 January 2024

We write to request the following information under the FOIA in relation to assessments of, and the provision of support to, families with No Recourse to Public Funds (“NRPF”) seeking access to support under section 17 of
the Children Act 1989. If you require any further clarification as to our request, kindly inform us promptly and we would be happy to assist.
Contact details
Does your local authority have a separate team dealing with requests for support under section 17 Children Act 1989, for example an ‘NRPF team’?
If yes, please provide contact details for this team (telephone and email)
If no, please confirm where referrals for such support should be directed to and provide contact details (telephone and email)
Please also provide contact details for the relevant legal team supporting children’s services or dedicated NRPF team (telephone and email)
Do you have any guidance or policy documents or other such written material in respect of undertaking
assessments and providing support pursuant to section 17 of the Children Act 1989 to families with no recourse to public funds (including documents specific to this issue, or of more general application but covering this issue)?
If yes, please provide us with a copy.
How many families requested assessments under section 17 of the Children Act 1989 between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022?
How many of the families identified in question 7 received financial support under section 17 following their assessment?
How many of the families identified in question 7 received accommodation under section 17 of the Children Act following their assessment?
How many of the families identified in question 7 had no recourse to public funds (either because of a restriction on their leave to remain or because they were undocumented)?
How many families with no recourse to public funds received financial support under section 17 following their assessment?
How many families with no recourse to public funds received accommodation under section 17 following their assessment?
What were the five most common reasons for refusing support under section 17 of the Children Act? Please note that we are not requesting personal information. Answers can be general, such as ‘not in need’ or ‘immigration
What types of subsistence support does the local authority provide (e.g. cash, prepayment cards, vouchers)?
What criteria are used to determine the type of subsistence support? Please provide any policies or guidance if available.
If the local authority pays a fixed rate of financial support, what is this rate?
Does the local authority provide any additional payments, such as for young children, pregnant mothers, or maternity grants? If yes, please specify.
If the answers to question 16 and/or 17 are yes, how have the figures been reached (e.g. by reference to section 4 support)?
If you hold any of the information requested but consider it is exempt from disclosure, please state specifically what exemption you rely upon (including the relevant statutory provision) and the reason you consider it to be


Does your local authority have a separate team dealing with requests for support under section 17 Children Act 1989, for example an ‘NRPF team’? - NO

If yes, please provide contact details for this team (telephone and email) - N/A

If no, please confirm where referrals for such support should be directed to and provide contact details (telephone

and email) – MASH Tel: 01375 652802

Please also provide contact details for the relevant legal team supporting children’s services or dedicated NRPF

team (telephone and email): 

Request reference:
FOI 13293