Freedom of information response
PRUs and alternative provision
1. How many pupil referral units (PRUs) or other alternative provision (AP) in your area are in deficit or are projecting a deficit in the next year?
2. What is the average funding PRUs/AP receive per pupil in your area?
3. How many permanent exclusions were there in your local authority area in the following academic years: 2018-19, 2021-22, and 2022-23?
4. How many students are waiting for PRU/AP places currently in your area?
1. How many pupil referral units (PRUs) or other alternative provision (AP) in your area are in deficit or are projecting a deficit in the next year?
In Thurrock all AP provision are academies and therefore the LA does not hold this information.
2. What is the average funding PRUs/AP receive per pupil in your area?
Thurrock pays AP providers £30,785 per place for the academic year 2023/24
3. How many permanent exclusions were there in your local authority area in the following academic years:
2018-19 – 44 (1 OOB), 2021-22 – 37 (4 OOB), and 2022-23 –40 (2 OOB)
4. How many students are waiting for PRU/AP places currently in your area? 3 not yet on roll (pending meetings) and 5 on roll (pending meetings to start)