Freedom of information response

Total income your authority collected from fines

Publication date: 
Friday 26 January 2024

For the last financial year what was the total income your authority collected from the following.

·         Parking fees for town centre car parks

·         Parking fines

·         Speed camera fines

I would like the separate total for each of the bullet points.

  • For the financial year 2022/2023 total income from town centre car parks was £175,772.30. This is income from all car parks, which include 6 in Grays Town Centre and one in South Ockendon.
  • For the financial year 2022/2023 total income from parking fines was £ £869,011.81
  • Speed camera fines: This information for this request will be available at a future date.
Request reference:
FOI 13343