Planning decisions

How decisions are made

Most planning applications are delegated for decision by our planning officers.

Larger, more complex applications are considered by the Planning Committee.

We have safeguards to make sure the delegated decision process is fair, open, transparent and efficient, with set timescales.

Planning applications can be 'called in' by a councillor. This must happen within 3 weeks of it appearing on the Planning weekly list of applications, published online.

Planning Committee makes decisions on applications that have been 'called-in'. The decisions must still be based on relevant planning policy unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

Only relevant material considerations may be considered – this does not include public support or opposition, unless it is founded on valid planning matters.

Call-in process for councillors

Councillors must use a current call-in form, to be submitted either by email or in printed format. Paper and email versions of the form can be obtained from the Development Management team.

The reasons given for calling in an application should be clear. A planning officer will advise if the call-in is invalid for any reason.

Development Management
